Systemic Family Constellation Therapy (SFCT)
Systemic Family Constellation Therapy allows the revealing of invisible family bonds created through generations. If dysfunctional, these bonds can become the cause of debilitating patterns unconsciously creating career setbacks, relationship problems, and significant physical and emotional problems. Worse yet, it can be passed on to our children. SFCT allows making invisible bonds between family members visible, and facilitates rapid resolution of long standing intergenerational conflicts, thus resolving emotional and physical problems. SFCT reveals unconscious patterns hidden through traditional psychotherapy. It facilitates the restoration of the flow of love between family members who are alive and those who have passed away. It is more of a spiritual than a psychotherapy approach.
SFCT was developed by Bert Hellinger, a well-known German psychotherapist and a former Christian monk. He worked for many years as a missionary in Africa. He developed his approach by observing the work of shamans and integrating it with psychotherapeutic understanding. Bert Hellinger’s work is widely practiced in Western Europe and other countries of the world.
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