Nasal Release Technique
Why do a Nasal Release Technique?
The bones of the head are firm, somewhat flexible and move with each inhalation and exhalation. This allows for proper circulation of the blood and cerebrospinal fluid, which is necessary for normal function of the brain and nervous system. The ideal head has bones in positions that cause no pressure to deter optimum function of the brain and can move throughout their full range of motion with each full breath.
Because of traumas to the head during birth as well as later in life, many people have heads that are asymmetrically-shaped or “uneven”. Getting hit in the nose by a ball, hitting the head on the windshield, or dashboard of a car in an accident, falling off a horse and hitting the head, kicks, punches, or other blows to the head can cause improper alignment of the cranial bones and hence alter function of the brain and nervous system. This leads to poor nasal breathing, crooked teeth, poor vision, bad hearing, and in severe cases can be associated with speech defects, improper coordination, spastic paralysis, and chronic headaches.
When the head is traumatized the bones of the head are pushed inwards. This will often cause the bones to lock (crimp or pinch), preventing their normal springing outward movement, much like a parking brake with ratchets which held it in place. In this situation these bones will not spring outward to their normal position without assistance such as cranial manipulation. With cranial manipulations such as Nasal Release Therapy, the normal outward-springing motion of the cranial membranes can be restored, reversing the ill effects of the traumas that initially created the condition.
What happens when I get a Nasal Release Technique?
Behind the sinuses are small cranial bones that can cause the asymmetry of the head as well as causing symptoms. The sinuses drain into 3 separate anatomical passages called concha. These concha’s are reached by entering through the nostrils. There are 3 concha behind every nostril. The technique consists of the inflating a small, inflatable device (like a balloon) in the concha’s which are found between the nostrils and the throat. A small balloon is inserted three times on each side and then quickly inflated. Each inflation lasts from 1-3 seconds. No inflation occurs in the breathing passages between the nostrils and the throat. It is a safe, sophisticated and quick procedure.
The purpose of the balloon inflation is to press outward against the bones lining the breathing passage, so that a space is created in the places where the bones pinch against one another. At that very moment the skull’s membranes as well as the physician’s hands cause the bones to “unlock” or move outward. Another way of looking at this is by saying any trauma that happens from the outside pushing in, must be reversed from the inside out.
Is the Nasal Release Technique painful?
Most people don’t report pain with this technique. Rather they say it feels more like a weird pressure. They also report that it feels similar to when you jump into a chlorinated pool without holding your nose. Since the procedure lasts no longer than 3 seconds per concha inflation that feeling is very short lived. In fact, patients have described the treatments as providing tremendous relief from a “tight feeling” in the head, sinuses, nasal passages and ears and report that they feel that they can breathe better immediately. They become very surprised about the vast improvement in breathing after such a quick and simple technique.
What kinds of conditions does the Nasal Release Treatment treat?
For most persons, Nasal Release Therapy is a method of restructuring the skull. It can normalize skull shape when used as an ongoing, repeated therapy.
Are there any side effects of the Nasal Release Technique?
There are few side effects associated with this technique. Occasional nosebleeds occur during the procedure and this usually happens to people who get regular nose bleeds, this happens to about 1 in every 50 people. Rarely people will report a sore throat for 3 days after the procedure. This happens about 1 in every 1,000 times the procedure is done. Other rare complaints are headaches, light-headedness, and dizziness which last no longer than 4 hours.
How often do people usually need a Nasal Release Technique Treatment?
Treatments will usually be given four times in the course of 4 days or weekly. Because the body is very good at staying out of alignment after the technique is performed it will want to return back to its previous position. Generally after the fourth treatment the technique will usually hold and have lasting positive effects.
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